
Storm Chaser

Synopsis: In a world grappling with the mysterious TPAA (Tropical Persistent Atmospheric Anomaly), a ceaseless storm looming over Bermuda, Kewana and Devin are at the forefront of its observation and ...

Defining Metaverse

Intro "The Metaverse" as a concept was brought to the public consciousness in October 2021 when Mark Zuckerberg went on stage and publicly declared Facebook's new name to be Meta ...

Yesplane Flight Model Documentation

This flight model will be dealing with the four major forces of flight;   Lift Drag Thrust Gravity Units: Force: Newtons Mass: Kg Speed: m/s Area: m^2 Pressure: N/m2 Temperature: ...

Mozilla Hubs Lightmapping Process

Are you working with Mozilla Hubs, the Metaverse platform? Follow the instructions below to get your scenes to get your lightmaps to mirror your rendered results! You can download the ...