Alien Atmospheric Combat Space Sim
Game Trailer
- A completely unique experience
- The first flight sim to simulate aerial combat on an alien world.
- True to life
- A detailed and realistic flight and atmospheric model brings Venus to life.
- The robot combat sport of the future
- Destroy the opposing drones to claim victory and the prize.
This game has been a dream of mine for the last ten years. Thanks to a hard working team of 9 coders, artists and physics experts, it’s now a reality! This pre-alpha build has been built over a period of three months and we are very excited to have you experience it!
Volumetric clouds are turned off by default. To enable them and see the controls, go to the Options menu.
Recommended Computer Specs: Volumetric Clouds ON
Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5
Geforce 900 series or higher
Radeon HD 7970 or higher
Minimum Computer Specs: Volumetric Clouds OFF
Intel i3 or AMD Ryzen 3
Geforce 700 series
AMD Radeon R7 series
Download the Pre-Alpha now!
We are actively developing the project and would appreciate any feedback you have! Please use this form to let us know what you think!
Don’t go below ~3,400 meters or you’ll start taking damage from Venus’s intense heat!
If the image link doesn’t work please use this alternate download.